
Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

daftar restoran all you can eat di Jakarta beserta harga - Saat sedang ulang tahun dan ingin mentraktir teman-teman atau keluarga, paling aman mengajak mereka bersantap di restoran yang menyediakan paket buffet, atau "All You Can Eat". Paket ini menyajikan berbagai macam hidangan, lokal maupun internasional, sehingga bisa memenuhi selera siapa saja. Restoran dengan menu seperti ini memungkinkan kita untuk makan sepuasnya, sehingga kita pun lebih leluasa menghabiskan waktu untuk menikmati hidangan dan ngobrol.

Ada beberapa restoran yang memang dikenal dengan paket buffet-nya, seperti American Grill, Pronto, atau Hanamasa (masing-masing dengan hidangan khas Amerika, Italia, dan Jepang). Beberapa restoran hanya menyajikan menu khusus untuk buffet-nya, seperti The Duck King dengan menu steamboat, dan Oriental Cafe di Hotel Redtop untuk menu dimsum.

Restaurant yang terletak di hotel, seperti Peacock di Hotel Sultan atau Cafe Bogor di Hotel Borobudur, juga tak kalah legendaris. Cafe Bogor amat dikenal dengan sajian sop buntutnya yang lekker, sedangkan Peacock menjadi tempat pertemuan bisnis ataupun untuk santai bersama keluarga dan teman-teman. Restoran lain yang sedang jadi rising star antara lain Central Park di Hotel Manhattan, yang terkenal dengan lasagna-nya yang superduper yummy!

Anda penggemar makanan Indonesia? Jangan khawatir, ada kok restoran buffet yang khusus menyediakan hidangan Indonesia, yaitu The Buffet.

Berbagai rumah makan "all you can eat" ini biasanya menetapkan harga dasar, belum termasuk pajak. Oleh karena itu, pada bagian akhir harganya biasanya dicantumkan kode ++. Harga tersebut pada sebagian besar paket buffet juga belum termasuk minuman. Paling aman sih, Anda menanyakan lebih dulu apakah harga sudah termasuk minuman. Atau, pilih saja kafe yang menetapkan harga nett.

Karena konsep dari paket buffet adalah makan sepuasnya, sebaiknya Anda kosongkan perut dahulu sebelum bersantap di sini. Saat melihat hamparan makanan di atas meja, jangan langsung lapar mata. Bisa-bisa pada piring kedua Anda sudah tak sanggup menghabiskan.

Trik untuk dapat mencoba semua menu adalah dengan mengambil menu yang Anda inginkan sedikit-sedikit saja. Bila perlu, tak usah mengambil nasi, agar perut tak cepat kenyang.

Berikut adalah beberapa rumah makan yang menyediakan paket "all you can eat", dengan harga paket terbarunya. Silakan sharing di bawah bila Anda menemukan restoran lain dengan menu yang asyik, dan harga yang terjangkau.

* American Grill, pukul 11.00 -16.00 Rp 46.900++, Rp 49.900++ (dinner)
* The Buffet, Rp 91.500 nett
* Caza Suki, Rp 106.000 nett
* Central Park di Hotel Manhattan Casablanca, Rp 118.000++
* Cafe One, The Parklane Hotel, Breakfast buffet Rp 145.000++, lunch buffet Rp 155.000++, dinner buffet Rp 165.000++ (Minggu hanya breakfast dan dinner)
* Cafe Bogor Hotel Borobudur, Rp158.000++, hari Rabu Rp 168.000++, Sabtu Rp 178.000++
* The Duck King (Steamboat), Rp 148.000++
* Gang Gang Sullai (Mangga Dua Square dan La Piazza Kelapa Gading), Rp 75.000++
* Hanamasa, Rp 79.500++ (tanpa minum), Rp 88.500++ (makan-minum sepuasnya)
* Hartz Chicken Buffet, Rp 60.000 nett
* Kafe Pinang, Hotel Kristal Rp 150.000++ (Senin-Jumat)
* Oriental Cafe Hotel Redtop Pecenongan, buffet dimsum Rp 76.800++ (hari Minggu dan setiap tanggal merah)
* Paregu, Senin-Jumat Rp 85.000++, Sabtu-Minggu Rp 95.000++
* Peacock di Hotel Sultan, Rp 205.000 nett (dinner)
* Pelangi Cafe, Hotel Ambhara, Rp 155.000++ (Senin-Jumat)
* Pronto All You Can Eat Restaurant, Rp 76.450 nett
* SATOO di Hotel Shangrila, lunch (Senin-Sabtu) Rp 205.000 nett, (Minggu) Rp 249.000 nett. Dinner (Senin-Kamis) Rp 229.000 nett, (Jumat-Minggu) Rp 249.000 nett
* Samudera Suki Seafood Restaurant, Senin-Jumat Rp 103.000 nett/ dewasa, Rp 81.000 nett/ anak. Sabtu-Minggu dan tanggal merah Rp 115.000 nett/ dewasa, Rp 93.000 nett/ anak
* Viola Cafe, Grand Flora Hotel, minimum 10 orang, Rp 85.000++/ orang (lunch)

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Making Your Mark

Key elements for a lasting impression with your customers
This Week's focus: Unicycles, Foreigners and Free Publicity

My time in the South Island earlier this year was eventful. Amidst the myriad of accents, the flying unicycles, the dizzying altitudes and small armadas of insects, I found very little in the way of normalcy.

Naturally, they were celebrities. From my perch in the support van, I attempted (and often failed) to make myself useful to Connie, the superwoman who held everyone together, and I discovered something wonderful. When people think you're crazy, they're a lot nicer.

I became a hit with everyone I met, in Wanaka one of the riders received a hi five from a passing skater-boarder and went head over heels in mid pedal, I later met the sister of the flatmate of the offending skateboarder at a bar and engaged in a twenty minute conversation while Ken, the tour organizer, waited for the wine I had been sent to order. The riders were immortalized in a million photos from foreign cameras as tourists came to wonder whether this was a regular occurrence in New Zealand.

Reporters came from everywhere to meet the group; interviews were conducted at backpackers, on roadsides and at the occasional café. The jokes kept repeating themselves, I can tell you just about every unicycle joke in existence, and Ken has a bulging scrapbook of press clippings containing each and every one of those awful, awful one liners.

Let me reiterate my point to you though; these people are crazy. They tackled the steepest street in the world on unicycles, one of them punched a glacier (I still have the water from the chunk of ice that fell off), they rode 160km in one day through gale force winds, they even have their own slang, their own community, hell, they've got their own website.

The point?

These people didn't pay a cent for publicity, and everywhere we went I was hearing about them before they arrived. People love a nutter. They love a group of nutters even more. Ken sent out a simple press release, and bang, every newspaper in the South Island wants to meet this loony bunch.

So how can we harness this powerful tool of free publicity and twist it to suit our nefarious purposes? Well…

Having something just that little bit strange about your business is a great conversation starter, it's a way of getting people laughing, and more importantly, getting them talking. An ongoing gimmick, even better, one that's interactive, is fantastic way to not only get attention, but to build your business a long lasting market presence, it also gives you a base from which to work your marketing, an ongoing theme, adding a consistency to your image.

Organise something a little bit different, sponsor a teddy bears picnic, hold a funny hat day, if you do something a little wild, and then let people know, you'll attract interest, it's a great of throwing your name in a positive light. You can use it to reach out to your market and the people around them and reach them in a way that builds trust, because you took the first step without pushing them to buy. And better yet, you did it will they were laughing.

Press Releases
One of the best ways to get the word out to traditional publications is a press release, it doesn't have to be long, the press release for the SINZ tour was less than half a page, but it detailed when the riders would be in certain locations, what they were doing and generally outlined how funny and bizarre these people truly are. This was more than enough to entice reporters out to meet us as we entered and left towns, and the best part is, they did all the work. Ken, the tour organizer, simply had to email half a page to fifteen or so newspapers, and the word got round. People were talking about us days before we got to them, and you only had to mention a unicycle before people knew who you were. And what did it cost? Not a thing.

So be a little funky, and let the people come to you.

Wealth, Success, and Unicycles,

- Bridget Hughes

Bridget Hughes is a member of the team at, a resource for business owners and entrepreneurs. She also works as a marketing consultant and webdesigner, and has a bad habit of getting into odd situations.

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Employee Motivation: Key To Company Success

By: Jimm Chris

Imagine this: You're the owner of a seat MNC company that produces seating for wheelchairs, auditoriums, and cars. You have approximately 100 employees, 90 percent of which are upholsters, sewers, gluers, and material cutters. The other 10 percent are office staff. Basically, you have a diverse group of employees, each with different jobs, concerns, and needs. The big question is: How do you motivate all of these people?

Treat your employees in a good way and your company will turn out well:
If you are a smart business owner, you will realize that employee motivation at the workplace is vital to a company's success. If your employees don't appreciate their bosses, their job, and their company, then your business will not thrive.

Your employees must WANT to work at your company. They must have pride in their career, as well as the outcome that they are making. This about it this way: If your employees truly believe in what they are doing, they are most likely going to output a high-quality product in as promptly a manner as possible. In the end, your customers will benefit from this. Your company will benefit from this. And your employees will the gain from this. Success is truly a chain reaction that begins and ends with employee motivation.

Put yourself in the shoes of your employees:
So how do you get your diverse mix of employees motivated? Why would anyone want to wake up at 7 AM five days a week to sew material to make seats for wheelchairs?

Would you get up to do this if, hanging above your department, you saw photos of the disabled people using the seats you stitched? Would you get up to do this if you were able to voice your ideas for new seats to your boss and to the whole company in weekly meetings? Would you get up to do this if you were given pay incentives or other types of rewards for the number or quality grade of seats you got done in a month?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then you would be considered a motivated employee. At least one of these things would have challenged you and would have given you reason to come in to work.

Think about some vital points that enhance employee motivation:

  • Every employee wants to feel appreciated in some way.
  • Every employee wants to be given some sort of proof that what he or she did bettered the world, the community, or just the company in some sort of way.
  • Every employee wants to feel that his or her opinion is at least heard - whether or not it is actually used. Having the opportunity to voice an opinion and bring new ideas to the table is a constructive thing for both an employee and a company.
  • Every employee wants to be rewarded for a job well done. It is understandable that large raises and elaborate prizes cannot always be available. But sometimes a simple acknowledgement from an owner or a boss can mean a great deal.

As a business owner, or as a boss, understand that one wants to work hard only to end up feeling unappreciated in the end. In a corporate world where money and power appear to mean success, it is key to remember that without good employee motivation at the basic level nothing else would be possible.

Visit my blog at How To Get Motivated by clicking the link to read more articles on ways of getting motivated.

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Build A Team

Claudia Brown talks about how building the right team will help your organization. Learn how picking the right people and creating the right environment can do wonders for your workplace.

Build a Team - The Right Team (There is a Difference)

Creating the right team is imperative to your success. A team is comprised of people who can bring necessary skill sets to the venture. A team is different from partners. Partners are financially and legally tied to the venture while team members are brought in to create and continue the process. Team members can be employees or sub-contactors.

These are people you can control - you get to pick them. You can use their services for as long as you like. If they don't work out as planned, you can find a different team member or you can find a place on the team where this person can be more effective.

Creating the right environment for the team is equally important. People will give their best when they feel that their services are being valued and that they are entrusted with producing a part of the success of the venture. Team members must have the same values as that of the venture and they must follow the same code of conduct consistent with your desired outcome. They must truly want the venture to be a success and feel that they are a part of that success. They must do their job well with the other team members.

Differences are encouraged only if they are presented in a positive fashion, recognizing the efforts of the others. Each team member must give more than they are asked for in their areas of expertise. This does not mean extra hours; it means do your jobs with heart and soul, working with the creative minds flowing, working with a positive mental attitude, and working together with the others so that all are winners.

What ideas do you have that will create a positive, successful team? How can you create this team and have each person feel that they are as important a part of the success of the venture as you are? Study successful entities to find out how they treat their team members. Find out what motivates team members in successful entities to keep them successful - is it money, power, trust, fear, etc.? Thinking these things out before you create the team will help you in putting together the right team for your venture.

You should write out all the positions of your team and keep updating it as you grow as when you grow you will need to change out some positions on your team. This is a big mistake that people make as they grow. They keep the same team members that were effective when they were small and they do not re-evaluate the need for replacing members who have not grown to levels where they are now needed. Therefore the overall team growth is limited by the lack of ability of one or more members. Just like upgrading your peer group, always be open to and active in upgrading your team members.

You must strive to place the right people on your team. This goes for all positions you pay for, including lawyers, accountants, advisors, sub contractors etc. Be clear on what is a must upfront and make the positions open as specific as possible.

If you are just starting out then make your team as simple and complete as possible. Just be sure that your team members are able to excel and have knowledge in the industry and direction you are going in. The last thing you want to do is to have to micromanage your team members. If you find you are doing so you have made a mistake and replace them right away.

Your team members must be proactive to your needs and outcome. If not replace them or place them in a position where they can be more effective. Please always keep in mind that in most cases you are paying for their services in one manner or another. Never pay a team member 100% upfront for their services as this always gives them something to aspire to. Placing the right team members in the right place will make your endeavor soar.

About the Author:

Doug and Claudia Brown use their 40 plus years of business building experiences to educate people on how to create six figures or more in 24 to 36 months or less. For more information, see their website at

Senin, 29 November 2010

mengenal japanese food

JEPANG memiliki banyak ciri khas, termasuk dalam tata cara pengolahan serta penyajian makanannya. Ada pakem yang mereka pegang, berbeda dengan dunia Barat.

Masakan Jepang (nihon atau nippon ryori) adalah makanan yang dimasak dengan cara unik yang berkembang di Jepang, juga menggunakan bahan yang diambil dari wilayah Jepang dan sekitarnya. Menu seperti sushi, tempura, shabu-shabu, dan sukiyaki merupakan contoh Japanese food yang populer di luar Jepang, termasuk di Indonesia. Makanan orang Jepang berbeda-beda menurut zaman, tingkat sosial, dan daerah tempat tinggal.

Begitu juga dengan cara memasaknya. Mereka banyak meminjam cara memasak dari negara-negara di Asia Timur dan negara-negara Barat. Namun khusus untuk bumbu, masyarakat Jepang memiliki bumbu khas seperti dashi (kaldu) yang dibuat dari konbu, ikan, dan jamur shitake, ditambah miso dan shoyu. Disantap dengan cara barbeque (grilled) atau shabu-shabu (steam), menu Jepang yang biasa didominasi oleh sayuran dan daging ini terasa lezat dinikmati saat hangat.

Ada yang menganggap makanan yang mengandung daging sapi tidak bisa dikatakan sebagai makanan Jepang karena kebiasaan makan daging baru dimulai pada zaman Restorasi Meiji, sekira 130 tahun lalu. Namun, itu bukan masalah. Menu sukiyaki dan gyudon yang berasal dari daging pun baru ditemukan setelah restorasi. Alhasil, orang Jepang mengklaim makanan ini berasal dari negaranya.

Berbeda dengan masakan negara-negara lain, makanan Jepang sama sekali tidak menggunakan bumbu berupa rempah-rempah dari biji-bijian (merica) atau penyedap yang mengandung biji (seperti cabai) yang harus ditumbuk. Masakan Jepang juga tidak menggunakan bumbu yang berbau tajam seperti bawang putih.

Kacang kedelai merupakan bahan utama makanan olahan dan penyedap yang digunakan biasanya berupa sayur-mayur beraroma harum yang dipotong-potong halus atau diparut. Masakan Jepang umumnya rendah lemak, tapi mengandung kadar garam yang tinggi. Masakan Jepang mengenal lima bumbu utama yang harus dimasukkan secara berturutan sesuai urutan sashi-su-seso yang merupakan singkatan dari gula pasir (sato), garam (shio), cuka (su), shoyu (seuyu: ejaan zaman dulu untuk shoyu), so (miso).(Koran SI/Koran SI/ftr)
Lihat juga: Chinese food

Minggu, 28 November 2010

hidangan di paregu

Hidangan daging yakiniku yang empuk dan shabu-shabu hangat dengan kuah yang memanjakan lidah. Makanan jenis itulah yang disajikan di sini, semua japanese food yang nikmat ini dapat Anda nikmati sepuasnya atau all you can eat. Juga terdapat makanan lain mulai dari makanan pembuka sampai makanan penutup yang tidak kalah nikmatnya. Anda dapat menikmatinya di Pare'gu, Family Restaurant yang menyediakan Yakiniku dan Shabu-Shabu. Restoran ini bisa menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata kuliner Anda bersama keluarga di Jakarta.
Setelah menempati meja di Pare'gu, pelayan akan menanyakan apakah Anda ingin menikmati yakiniku atau shabu-shabu. Bila Anda memilih yakiniku, pelayan akan membawakan sejenis panggangan pada meja, memberi lemak agar panggangan berminyak dan menyalakan apinya. Sedangkan untuk shabu-shabu pelayan akan meletakkan kompor kecil beserta panci dengan kuah sesuai pilihan. Ada 2 pilihan rasa kuah, yaitu tom yam yang kaya rempah dengan rasa asam pedas atau kaldu ayam yang rasanya selalu disukai. Pilihan tersebut hanya perlu dibuat bila Anda bersantap sendirian, karena bila bersantap 2 orang dapat memilih 1 yakiniku dan 1 shabu-shabu sehingga Anda dapat menikmatinya bersama-sama. Pada saat memesan makanan, Anda juga akan ditanya apakah ingin memperoleh nasi atau tidak.

Untuk makanan pembuka, Anda dapat mencicipi sop yang tersedia. Lalu silahkan memilih sendiri makanan yang akan dipanggang atau direbus pada meja prasmanan (buffet) yang berisi banyak bahan yang masih mentah. Pilihan yang ada antara lain daging (daging sapi atau ayam), bakso, sosis, jamur atau berbagai jenis seafood seperti udang, kerang atau cumi. Agar lebih segar, ada aneka sayuran yang cocok untuk dimasak menjadi shabu-shabu.

Di sini, Anda sendiri yang akan memasak makanan, memanggang atau merebusnya. Sebelum mulai memanggang, bahan makanan dicelupkan dalam saos yang merupakan saos special khas Pare'gu. Saos inilah yang membuat makanan menjadi nikmat. Setelah makanan matang, celupkan makanan ini ke dalam saos yang diberikan agar lebih terasa. Shabu-shabu yang berisi semua makanan yang direbus dapat disantap beserta kuahnya dalam keadaan hangat. Bila masih belum puas, Anda dapat mengambil makanan lagi sepuasnya sampai Anda benar-benar kenyang, karena konsep all you can eat atau makan sepuasnya yang berlaku di sini.

Selesai menikmati makanan, ada berbagai hidangan penutup yang digemari, antara lain es campur, puding coklat dan buah dengan fla susu yang kental, Jelly Ice yang merupakan favorit pengunjung Pare'gu serta buah-buah dengan bumbu rujak. Tersedia juga aneka jajanan pasar, seperti lumpia, dan lainnya.

Selain hidangan yang dapat dimakan sepuasnya, Pare'gu juga menyediakan menu Ala Carte, yaitu sesuai pesanan. Menu-menu tersebut antara lain Tempura, Teriyaki, dan Katsu. Tentunya dengan penyajian khas Pare'gu.
Lihat Juga:
Chinese food