
Jumat, 24 September 2010

Make the Most of Life at Work

By Elizabeth Hanink

I will learn something new for my job every day. Start with something simple: a new word, a new tool, a new map. Or, if you are ambitious, set a larger goal but break it down into small chunks. Say you want to learn a new computer application. Get the manual or instructions and do a page a day. Help yourself along by keeping a note card that lists each day’s item.

I will live within my income. This is such a no-brainer and yet so difficult. Each slip up makes it harder because the interest on all credit eventually comes from our income. Small works best. Not, “I will forgo buying clothes for a year,” more like, “I will not spend on anything discretionary until this month’s bills are paid.” Discretionary includes movies, lattes, clothes, getaways, eating out and the like. You know the drill.

I will, through attitude and action, make the workplace a better place to be. The sky’s the limit here, but start with eliminating snarky remarks and move on to helpful actions. Anticipate rather than wait to be nagged. Clean up. Come in early or stay late once in a while without making it a federal case. Overlook slights and resist requests only when they are truly unreasonable.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Selasa, 21 September 2010

by Maria Hanson, LiveCareer

In down economic times, companies seem to have carte blanche to limit salaries and make low-ball offers. But that shouldn't be the case.

Below are the top salary secrets your employer doesn't want you to know. With this information in hand, you'll be in a better position to get the pay you deserve.

Employers don't always offer a fair salary.

Some employers think they're being fair, but they're not up-to-date with the latest salary information. Others may try to pay less than the market value because they're financially strapped. That's why it's important that you know exactly how much money you should be making. A free salary report can help you calculate how much you should be earning in any job.

You can negotiate your salary in a tight job market.

In a recession, many people would rather take a pay cut than lose their jobs. Raises are hard to come by and new hires may feel they have less negotiating power. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to bump up your salary; it's just a little more challenging.

According to a recent survey from the Society for Human Resource Management, 80 percent of HR professionals say employers are willing to negotiate salaries. So, if you're looking for a raise at your current job, come armed with your marketplace worth and make your case. And, if you've been offered a job that pays less than you like, don't be afraid to name your realistic asking price. Keep in mind that, if you got the offer, you're clearly the best candidate for the job -- even in this highly competitive job market.

New hires sometimes earn more than long-term employees.

When there's a strong job market, organizations need to do whatever they can to attract top candidates. This often means that starting salaries may be higher for newbies than they are for long-term employees. Given the current economic conditions, that's less the norm these days, but it still happens in certain industries. If you suspect that a new hire with similar responsibilities is making more than you are, use current salary data to approach your manager with the request to bring your salary up to par.

Your performance doesn't decide your pay.

While your performance is one important factor in the salary equation, your pay is also a reflection of many other factors, including:

  • The job market -- lower pay is more acceptable in tighter job markets.
  • Location -- generally the higher the cost of living, the higher your salary.
  • Years of service -- in many cases, the longer you've been with a company, the higher your pay.
  • Organization size -- large organizations tend to pay more than small ones.
  • Education level -- in most cases, the more education you have, the higher your pay. Take a free education test to find out how going back to school can help you earn more.

If you're a valued employee who isn't making the money you deserve, you do have options. Know your value and make your case with the help of your free salary report. And know too, that many employers -- particularly larger employers -- have a little more in the "raise kitty" than they let on.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Senin, 20 September 2010

Membakar Kalori Saat Memasak

Membakar kalori tak hanya dengan berolahraga, karena banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi kalori di dalam tubuh.Salah satunya dengan memasak.Memasak bisa jadi merupakan kegiatan yang tidak menyenangkan bagi beberapa kaum perempuan terlebih lagi laki laki, tapi sebaiknya hal ini dipikirkan kembali. Karena selain bisa menyenangkan orang-orang dirumah dengan makanan yang dihasilkan, memasak juga bisa membantu membakar kalori di dalam tubuh.

Kegiatan memasak ini bisa membakar rata-rata sekitar 139 kalori per jam, semakin banyak makanan yang dimasak maka kalori yang akan dibakar juga akan semakin besar. Kegiatan mempersiapkan makan bisa memberikan manfaat yang lebih bagi seseorang. Terdapat dua temuan kunci dari sebuah penelitian yang telah dipublikasikan dalam American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Kalori yang dibakar sudah mulai terjadi sejak seseorang mempersiapkan bahan-bahan untuk dimasak, misalnya saat ia mencuci bahan, mengiris dan menghaluskan bumbu-bumbu yang akan digunakan sampai ia memasak bahan-bahan tersebut menjadi sebuah makanan. Semakin banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan saat memasak, maka akan makin banyak pula kalori yang dibakar oleh tubuh. Selain itu posisi memasak juga mempengaruhi otot apa yang akan dilatih oleh tubuh, misalnya jika seseorang memasak sambil berdiri maka ia bisa melatih otot lengan dan juga kaki. Sedangkan jika ia memasak sambil duduk, maka ia hanya melatih otot pergelangan tangan saja seperti saat menggoreng atau menumis.
Sumber: Detikhealth

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