
Kamis, 04 November 2010

Focused on your job ! (Part 11)

3. Less diligent.
Persistent attitude is a combination of persistence and perseverance. Many things can make perseverance and focus is lost. Bored, bored with routine even always in a comfort zone or a sense of complacency, often making the focus becomes blurred. Because humans tend to chase you want is not that supposed to be achieved. You often get stuck on the process and not being consistent in the goals to be achieved. Losing focus also means wasting a lot of time and opportunity that is before you.

Train yourself to remain focused

1. Develop self-mastery.
In the military world, sniper is a sniper. They are usually assigned to a special operation which requires skill to shoot in secret. With a target, once the shot must be well targeted. The main thing for the sniper is focused, has a maximum concentration and self-control of the prime. Directing a view on the target and ignore the things that can distract. Similarly, in carrying out your work, discipline and self-control make you focused and efficient in completing the work.

2. Developing perseverance.
Know the history of Abraham Lincoln. Failure after failure does not make him give up and lose the goal of career. The peak in 1832 when he became an unemployed. But the high spirits and perseverance to be able to devote themselves to nation and country, making it finally managed to elect as president of the United States in 1860. A strong desire to create his own chances. Perseverance will find its way in the end. That focus on the target.

3. Making the target achievement.
What are the goals you want to achieve? Make plans and targets for achieving goals of your employment can be achieved with more efficient and effective. Targets are the steps to the achievement of objectives in a focused and measurable. Make target spur you to stay focused on the target. Focused attitude held by the winning works, all the people who succeed and become experts in their fields. Focus is the bridge to success.

Focused on your job ! (Part 1)

The words focused on your job means you have to be concentrated with your goal of your career. when you decided your goal, never give up for it.

Based on the research by scientist, there are only about 11% of people in this world who are naturally able to be focused. The rest tend to be easily influenced and often are not persistent in its original purpose.

Maybe there are people who have a strong determination, but was less diligent. There is also a diligent but unfortunately easily influenced. There are even people who are very flamboyant, which is easy to switch attention, and quickly turned their attention to new things.

A divided attention to thwart your goals of employment. Without consciously delayed the achievement of targets, experiencing stagnation, or even could deviate from its original destination. Not a favorable situation for an employee like you.

What are the barriers to stay focused on your jobs ?

1. Easily influenced.
Humans have a pair of eyes, but only one focus. That's the miracle of creation. Imagine if each eye has its own focus or biased views. Like the facets of insect eyes that have a lot of reflection. You will be walking to and fro and hit a wall because of the influence of earlier views. It would be difficult to complete something to its conclusion if you lose focus. Only about 20% of the things within the person that affect focus, the rest is external influence.

2. Loss of motivation.
There is a true story about a man who lost motivation. He was very clever to get a master's scholarship abroad even nominated as a doctoral candidate. But after a study was rejected by the lecturer, he became frustrated, lose motivation and fail to stay focused with his ideals. Experienced prolonged stress lead to mental disorders. Truly tragic, eventually he was found dead due to diarrhea after days locked herself in her room.

chinese food kaki lima yang selezat masakan restoran

Kwetiau, ifumi, bakmi goreng, dan nasi goreng. Empat hidangan khas Chinese food kaki lima ini punya cukup banyak peminat. Menu-menu ini bisa dipastikan ada di seluruh warung tenda Chinese food pinggir jalan. Keautentikan cita rasa negeri Tirai Bambu bukanlah hal utama yang diandalkan di tempat makan kategori ini.

Sajian yang terhidang di Chinese food kaki lima boleh dibilang adalah Chinese-Indonesian Food. Umumnya rasa dan pilihan bahan-bahannya sudah di-Indonesia-kan, sesuai dengan lidah orang Indonesia kebanyakan. Terutama bahan-bahan nonhalal, seperti daging babi, yang tentunya harus diganti dengan daging sapi atau ayam.

Meski begitu, sebagai identitas, ‘aroma’ masakan Cina tetap dipertahankan melalui penggunaan saus-saus khasnya yang umum di pasaran, seperti ang ciu (arak masak), saus tiram, kecap asin, atau minyak wijen. Jenis hidangan Cina ala warung ini terseleksi secara alami dengan harga, cara memasak, dan cara penyajian. Dan, sebagai makanan ‘rakyat’ tentu saja harganya harus sesuai dengan kantong orang kebanyakan.

Salah satu ciri khas Chinese food kaki lima dan warung sederhana adalah hampir semua hidangannya dimasak dengan cara ditumis. Cara masak yang mengandalkan waktu masak cepat dan praktis ini merupakan ‘jati diri’ hidangan Cina yang sudah terkenal sejak dulu. Konon, zaman dahulu, untuk menghemat bahan bakar, cara masak inilah yang paling pas untuk situasi tersebut.

Bahan makanan dipotong kecil-kecil, kemudian dimasak sebentar dengan sedikit minyak, di atas api besar, dalam waktu singkat. Meski awalnya cara ini tak dihubung-hubungkan dengan ‘status’ gizinya, belakangan cara ini ternyata terbukti bisa mempertahankan keberadaan zat gizi dalam bahan makanan yang dimasak, termasuk juga warna dan aromanya. Keunikan lain dari warung Chinese food juga bisa ditandai dengan wok besi yang jadi satu-satunya alat masak yang digunakan. Juru masaknya (kebanyakan bukan asli orang Tionghoa).

Selain keempat makan tersebut, capcai dan fuyunghai juga tersedia. Tapi, tentu saja dalam versi yang sudah disesuaikan. Menurut Iwan Tjandra, capcai yang biasa ditemukan di tempat makan Cina kaki lima merupakan modifikasi dari Lo Han Chai, hidangan khas Cina yang biasanya ada di menu-menu resto premium. “Perbedaannya terletak pada bahan dasarnya yang menggunakan sayuran unik, misalnya fattchoy, sejenis jamur berbentuk helaian seperti rambut yang berwarna kehitaman. Makanya, harganya pun jauh berbeda,” tutur Iwan, yang mendapat julukan food artist, yang menjadi the man behind the scene beberapa tempat makan terkenal di Jakarta.

Begitu juga dengan fuyunghai. Untuk menekan harga jual, fuyunghai yang sedianya menggunakan daging babi atau daging kepiting dalam campuran telurnya, sering kali diganti dengan cincangan daging ayam. Sebagai ‘penyumpal’ agar fuyunghai terlihat gendut dan lebih padat, beberapa warung ada yang menambahkan tepung terigu dalam campuran adonan telurnya.
sumber: femina

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red mango

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Better jobs (Part 3)

Information. Arm yourself with as much information about the state of the country which one you want to go for finding your new jobs. In addition to the existing employment opportunities, dig information about the specific country circumstances, such as the social, economic, political, cultural and governance structures to the climate of the country. Do not forget Arm yourself with the tax system could be implemented because they have an entirely different calculation to your home country. Although companies usually take care of any necessary administrative completeness expatriates, you should also equip themselves with information about required documents, work permits, sufficient funds, application for stay, as well as other administrative requirements such as supporting documents if you want to bring your family. Make sure you can get better job in that country.

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better jobs (Part 2)

1. Jobs. Get job before you move to a new country. One way to get information on job opportunities in foreign countries cans you get from Various job sites. One that has the reach to 9 countries in Asia Pacific. Do not be hurried to move abroad before there is certainty That the company decided to hire you. If you've got you career there, get detailed information about That'll get the compensation, salaries and other benefits Such as house allowance, transportation, communication, family, health insurance, life insurance, Generous, recreation fees, and That Is not Less Important is the cost of travel and move you to a new country.

This is very important for you to analyze what are the benefits that you can get by working abroad. Make sure all the things. Good luck!!!

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better jobs (Part 1)

Employment, job, jobs

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The increasing of fuel price gives significant effect for every side of life. Rising expenditure items, while postal revenue is still in place. To meet the needs of an increasingly jumped, looking for additional income could be one option. Another option that can also be considered is working abroad.

The main attraction working abroad is the amount of salary that can reach multiple times. Starting life in a new place with different atmosphere and culture also become one of the attractions are working abroad.

Every year the Indonesian labor force working abroad reached about 700,000 people, spread across 11 countries. This amount is expected to grow to 1 million people per year, spread over 25 countries worldwide. 70% of workers who work abroad are more unskilled workers. But that does not mean there is no opportunity for skilled workers to work abroad.

Based on the level of need that requires at most state workers from Indonesia are Malaysia, Australia, European countries and Japan. Other countries that require manpower medium to high-skilled are Qatar, New Zealand, Portugal, Canada, South Korea, Spain, and other Western European countries.

While industries that require workers from Indonesia are the manufacturing, plantation, construction, hospitality and tourism, oil and gas, shipping and medical health care.

But of course not easy to work abroad. Determination of physical and mental readiness is not enough. There are many factors you should consider before deciding to leave your current job, packed his suitcase and bring the whole family to a new country.

Selasa, 02 November 2010

wasabi yang sangat terkenal

Wasabi (わさび atau 山葵?)(Wasabia japonica, sinonim: Eutrema japonica, bahasa Inggris: Japanese Horseradish) adalah tanaman asli Jepang dari suku kubis-kubisan (Brassicaceae). Parutan rimpang (rizoma) yang juga disebut wasabi, dimakan sebagai penyedap masakan Jepang, pada japanese food seperti sashimi, sushi, soba, dan ochazuke. Daun, tangkai, dan rizoma memiliki aroma harum, sekaligus rasa tajam menyengat hingga ke hidung seperti mustar, tapi bukan pedas di lidah seperti cabai.

Unsur kimia yang menjadikan wasabi memiliki rasa menyengat (pedas) adalah isotiosianat (6-methylthiohexyl isothiocyanate, 7-methylthioheptyl isothiocyanate, dan 8-methylthiooctyl isothiocyanate). Senyawa ini bersifat antimikroba yang menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri, sehingga irisan ikan segar selalu dimakan bersama wasabi.

Di alam bebas, tanaman hanya tumbuh liar daerah beriklim sejuk, di lembah pinggiran sungai atau di tengah air bersih yang mengalir perlahan-lahan. Di Jepang, wasabi tumbuh liar di sepanjang aliran sungai yang bersih dan sejuk (10-17℃) di daerah pegunungan pulau Honshu, Kyushu, dan Shikoku.

Tanaman herba tahunan, seluruh bagian tanaman memiliki aroma harum sekaligus rasa pedas menyengat bila di jadikan makanan. Rizoma berwarna hijau terang, berbentuk bulat panjang dan mengecil di bagian bawah. Daun keluar langsung dari bagian rizoma, tangkai agak panjang dan tumbuh ke atas dengan daun yang melebar. Daun berbentuk seperti jantung, diameter sekitar 10 cm. Di musim semi, dari rizoma keluar tangkai untuk bunga, letak daun bersilangan, dan ukuran daun lebih kecil dari daun yang keluar langsung dari rizoma. Bunga keluar di ujung tangkai, mekar di akhir bulan Februari-Maret, berwarna putih, daun mahkota 4 helai, dan mekar tidak secara berturut-turut.
Sumber: wikipedia

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Chinese food

The Best Form Xiung Mao

SEBELUM OpenRice Gathering ini, mungkin belum banyak OpenRicers yang tahu kalau Xiungmao benar-benar memiliki beragam menu Chinese food terbaik. Yep, this is the best Chinese food restaurant in town, seperti tagline mereka.

Restoran yang namanya berarti "panda jantan" ini telah dengan sukses menyihir OpenRicers dan membuka mata mereka bahwa makanan China bukan hanya kaya rasa namun juga sangat lezat. Tidak percaya? Coba cicipi Mi Goreng Tomat, Gurame Saos Lychee, Udang Goreng Phoenix, bahkan Ayam Saus Thai yang rasa lemonnya menyegarkan! Kalau ada satu kata yang kastanya berada di atas kata lezat, menu-menu Xiungmao Express dijamin layak mendapatkannya.

Layaknya OpenRice Gathering lain, seluruh peserta OpenRice Gathering di Xiungmao Express juga telah memasukkan review mereka mengenai Resto Panda ini. Ingin tahu apa kata mereka? Baca review mereka di

Kamu tertarik untuk ikut serta? Just write 5 reviews of your favorite restaurants guys. Then, you'll be invited! Mudah kan?
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