
Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Considering a Career Change-Should You Stay in Your Current Job?

By: Catherine Trebble

When it comes to considering a change in jobs or careers, there is nothing wrong with staying where you are, as there are many reasons that a job or career change might not be right for you, at least not right now.

There are many outside factors that can cause you to have to stay where you are right now, even if you are unhappy. One reason could be the timing. It could be that you need to get your finances in order first, you need the medical benefits your current job provides and you can't afford to risk losing those benefits for whatever reason, or perhaps you just need more time to get other aspects of your life in order before you think about making a change.

If you have felt unhappy with your job, it could be that you figured out it is due to something or someone in particular and not what you do for a living. Perhaps you feel you are just bored and would like to take on more responsibility. Maybe you have determined that you need more education so that you can transfer into a higher position within the company you are in.

If you have decided you want to work on getting a certain issue resolved instead of leaving your current job, a written plan of action can help motivate you to take the necessary action. If you work for a company, it is very likely that with some discussion with your supervisor or upper management, you can eliminate or minimize the source of your unhappiness. As you will see from the following chapter, a written plan can be beneficial to you no matter what changes you want to make in job or life.

If you find yourself wanting to stay where you are but know you need to make some changes, take the time to brainstorm the various options available to you. This will help you to know how to approach whatever issue it is that needs changing and create a plan of action.

But what if you aren't happy with your job but have to stay where you are for now? Even in a situation such as this, there are still certain steps you can take to make things better for yourself. Although there are many things that you feel are out of your control, we can control our own behavior. So if there is something about your job that you can't fix, look to yourself and see if there is a way you can adjust your own feelings or reactions so that you don't feel your usual negative feelings. Sometimes we can make ourselves feel a whole lot better with just a simple attitude adjustment.

It is also important to give your best. Just because you are unhappy with your current job doesn't mean you should slack off and act like a miserable employee. Instead, take time to think about what you could do better. How can you improve? The simple act of doing your best and applying yourself to everything you do can be very uplifting-really!

When you know you have done a great job at something and are giving your all, it will create a sense of pride within yourself and help you to feel better about yourself. Focusing on what you can do better will also help keep you from thinking about the things you are not happy about at your job.

And of course there's nothing to stop you from continuing to make plans for the future. Just because you have to stay in your current job for now doesn't mean you can't plan to leave at some later time. Creating an exit plan for later on down the line when the timing is better for you will not only keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to, it will keep your mind busy and give you something more positive to think about. It will also give you something to do, even if it's just typing up your plan and creating goals that you will carry out at a later date.

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Career Change For Over 40's

By: Catherine Trebble

Getting back into the workforce or changing careers after the age of 40 can be tricky, especially in this economy, but there is a great deal you can do to improve your chances.

As populations in the developed world are growing older and many countries are experiencing a crisis in the pension system, we are facing the prospect of having to work past the usual retirement age. Yet, at the same time, older people are not always welcomed back into the work force. Many also have difficulty finding a new job if they have an unbroken track record and are simply looking for a change in career after the age of 40.

There are a number of steps you can take to maximize your chances of getting a job, despite the negative views regarding age on the part of some employers.
When writing your CV or résumé, be sure to target it for the job in question. You can do this by highlighting all the skills and experience which are needed for the job and then proving that you have got them.

It is not necessary to put personal information on your résumé - in many countries it is illegal to ask about age so don't feel you have to volunteer your age on your résumé. You should either leave out your date of birth completely or put it at the end. Do not mention your marital status or the number of children you have or their ages. This is not relevant to the job!

The fact that you are older means that you have valuable experience in many areas and you need to make good use of this in your application. Don't worry if you are returning to work after bringing up children - soft skills, such as communication, time management and the ability to meet deadlines are crucial in the workplace today and all of those will be skills you have developed in the intervening years. So take a good look at all the skills you have acquired both at work and in other areas of life and make a list. You'll be surprised to see how many you have and how many of them are transferable.

If you find your particular career favors youth, consider the possibility of self-employment. Could you use your existing skills as a freelancer? If your computer skills aren't up to date, get your kids to teach you or find out about local classes, which are sometimes free. If there have been changes in your particular industry, look into refresher courses.

Many people make the mistake of assuming that they will get job satisfaction in one place, but this is the exception rather than the rule. So make a list of all the skills you'd like to use (or learn) at work and a list of the tasks which give you job satisfaction. Then consider the possibility of becoming a portfolio worker, that is, someone who has more than one occupation. You might, for example, work as a freelancer in your existing career for two or three days a week and set up a small business doing something completely different during the rest of the week. Or you might write about, teach or run workshops in one of the skills you have developed.

This doesn't have to be work-related - it could be a hobby you've been interested in for years, it could be a hobby you're passionate about. Look at everything you've done in your life so far and you'll find that there are several areas in which you are an expert.
If you are prepared to look beyond the conventional 9-5 job, you will find that there are many opportunities open to you, regardless of your age.

Job, Jobs, Career , Employment

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Your Career Change Plan-Staying Motivated

By: Catherine Trebble

Motivation is very important when it comes to pursuing your goals and fulfilling your dreams. This is especially true when it comes to pursuing a new career.

One great way to stay motivated is to set up a reward system for yourself. Rewards are fun and give you something to work towards. When it comes to setting up a reward system, here are a couple of suggestions:

At the end of each week, if you completed your entire task list, reward yourself for staying on track and following through with your plan. My weekly reward is a massage at a beauty salon near where I live. I LOVE that massage, I really feel I've earned it and the very thought of it inspires me as I work through my to-do list each week.

But massage may not be your thing. So work out what your thing is. It can be something as simple as treating yourself to a special dessert, or having a guilt-free soak in the tub with scented candles.

Reward yourself whenever you accomplish a milestone towards your goal. Because these milestones are crucial to achieving your overall mission, go for something a bit more elaborate than your task list reward.

You may have to stash a little money away per week to save up for this one. My milestone reward of choice is a new pair of shoes. Shallow? Oh yes, but they make me feel so happy-and rewarded. Plan for whatever your "shoes" are. Go shopping at the mall for a new outfit, or take an afternoon off and visit with a friend. Accomplishing an entire goal is a big deal-you deserve something nice!

Just like the last example I gave here, not every reward needs to involve money. Sometimes time to yourself can be far more precious. If funds are tight, use your creativity to think up some fun and exciting rewards that are inexpensive or don't cost a penny. The important part of setting up a reward system is to treat yourself to something special for your hard work. You deserve it and you are worth it!

Another way to help keep yourself motivated is to post some of your favorite inspirational messages and quotes in various places. You can post them around your work area, on the bathroom mirror, on the fridge, next to your bed, and even on the sun visor of your car. Post them wherever your own personal space is. These motivational statements will come in very handy during times when you feel you are running out of steam or having a down day. We all have them.

From my own experience at creating written plans for myself and setting up goals, one of the most motivating factors for me was following through with my plan and keeping track of my progress. Each time I got to check off a task or larger goal as being completed, I felt proud and wanted to accomplish more. So stick to your plan and continue to take action-the sense of accomplishment itself will do wonders for your motivation!

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Emporium Pluit

Emporium Pluit Mall adalah sebuah pusat perbelanjaan yang berlokasi di wilayah Pluit di Jakarta, yang dikembangkan oleh PT. Pluit Propertindo.

Emporium Pluit Mall terletak pada perempatan Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya dan Jl. Jembatan Tiga, di Jakarta Utara. Lokasi ini sebelumya adalah kompleks gelanggang olah raga Sasana Krida.

Emporium Pluit Mall resmi dibuka untuk umum pada tanggal 10 Januari 2009. Mal ini adalah bagian dari superblok CBD Pluit seluas 10 hektare yang terdiri dari mal, kondominium, perumahan, gedung perkantoran dan sebuah hotel berkapasitas 280 kamar yang direncanakan akan beroperasi pada tahun 2009. Mal ini memiliki luas area lantai 61.243m2 yang terdiri dari 2 lantai basement, 5 lantai utama dan 3 lantai untuk area parkir dalam gedung. Tenan utamanya adalah hypermarket Carrefour dan Sogo department store. Beberapa tenan lainnya antara lain Gramedia (toko buku), bioskop Cinema XXI, Electronic Solution, Zara, BreadTalk, J.CO Donuts & Coffee, restoran Maystar dan Starbucks. Area foodcourt terletak di lantai 4 tetapi juga terdapat beberapa restoran di lantai-lantai lainnya.

Direncanakan akan dibangun sebuah jembatan yang menghubungkan Emporium Pluit dengan Pluit Junction melintasi Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya. Lokasi jembatan ini direncanakan juga merupakan bagian dari stasiun persinggahan sistem kereta api Bandara Soekarno Hatta yang menghubungkan Bandara Seokarno Hatta dan Stasiun Manggarai.
sumber: wikipedia

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Red Mango

Reputational Risks in Your Organization - Part 8

By: Peg Jackson

Relations with the Community

Organizations need to live and work harmoniously in their communities. Today's business and community environments can also contain individuals or groups that have their own political agenda which may not include living harmoniously with your organization. The actions of people and groups who might politically target your organization could also damage your brand and image.

Private sector firms such as Chiron and university researchers such as those at UCLA and UC Santa Cruz have been targets of animal rights and/or environmental activists who often break the law. These groups are some of the more extreme elements within a community, but honest, lower-key, non-violent political discord can also damage your organization's reputation.

Maintaining the organization's reputation as a good citizen can often center on simply maintaining good relationships with customers and the community at large. Strategies for effective public and media relations can be established in consultation with the organization's public relations advisor. This trusted advisor is essential in identifying those areas of your organization's relationship with the community that could trigger a reputational crisis.

Community relations checklist

  • Location of your organization's offices, buildings, garages and/or manufacturing sites.
  • Has your organization been the target of any community protest or complaints? If so, describe the nature of the complaints and/or protests.
  • Actions that your organization's public relations department could recommend to improve the quality of the community relationships.
  • Suggestions for the creation of a Community Relations Committee, task agenda and membership.

Some common problem areas include:

The organization does not handle complaints from customers and neighbors effectively.

The way in which an organization treats customers and neighbors establishes its reputation in the community. If customers and neighbors know that the only way they can get the attention of the organization is to have the media investigate, then that is precisely what will happen whenever there is a complaint. If you recognize your organization in this statement, you need to take action now!

The organization does not cultivate media relations.

If your organization does not have an ongoing positive relationship with the local media outlets, then, in the event of an emergency or crisis, your designated spokesperson will not have the advantage of working with reporters and media outlets that are familiar with the organization. Your public relations advisor can help you to establish this important set of relationships.

What are other issues that have either caused problems in the past or are causing problems now?

  • Has the organization been targeted by community/environmental activists?
  • Have these attacks created negative or adverse publicity?
  • If this has not happened to your organization, has it happened to other companies in your industry?

Recognizing and identifying the issues behind community animosity is essential to doing what is necessary to maintain a positive reputation as an organization. Sometimes dealing with community issues takes the skill of a public relations expert. If your organization is having these problems without satisfactory resolution, your organization should add a public relations professional to your team of trusted advisors.

Job, Jobs, career

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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Sejarah Permainan Bola Tangan

Permainan bola tangan dapat ditelusuri sejarahnya. Pada zaman Yunani Kuno permainan bolatangan sudah dimainkan walaupaun dengan peraturan yang masih kuno. Permaianan ”Urania” yang dimainkan oleh orang-orang Yunani kuno (yang digambarkan oleh Homer dan Odyssey) dan ”harpaston yang dimainkan oleh orang-orang Romawi yang bernama Claudius Galenus tahun 130 sampai 200 Masehi. Di Jerman peramainan bola tangan dikenal dengan ”Fangballspiel” ayau permainan ”tangkap bola” yang diperkenal kan dalam ebuah lagu oleh penulis puisi Jerman bernama Walther von der Vgelweide. (1170-1230). Di Perancis seorangbernama Rabeilas (1494-1533) menggambarkan permainan bolatangan dengan; ”mereka bermain bolatangan denga menggunakan telapak tangan mereka”. Pada tahun 1793 masyarakat Inuit yang hidup di dataran hijau menggambarkan dan membuat ilustrasi dengan menggunakan bolatangan. Pada tahun 1484 seorang administrator olahraga Denmark mengijinkan permainan bolatangan agar dimainkan di sekolah lanjutan di Ortup Denmark dan mendorong untuk segera menyertakan atura dalam bola tangan.

Cara bermain Bolatangan

Permainan ini dimainkan oleh pemein yang berjumlah 6 orang dansatu penjaga gawang. Objek dari permainan ini adalah melempar bola sampai masuk menjadi gol di gawang lawan. Bolatangan dimankan di lapangan sepamnjang 40 meter dan lebar 20 meter. Saat berlangsung permainan, pemein setiap tim adalah 6 orang dan satu penjaga gawang dengan waktu main 2x30 menit.

Setiap tim terdiri dari 12 pemain, namun hanya 7 pemain yang ada di lapangan termasuk seorang penjaga gawang. Selebihnya adalah pemain pengganti selama permainan berlangsung. Mereka masuk dan meninggalkan lapangan permainan dari daerah pergantian pemain.

Berikut adalah posisi dari masing-masing pemain:

Attacking Positions: Defending positions:

LW - Left Wing OD - Outside defender

LB - Left Back HD - Half Defender

CB - Center Backor playmaker FD - forward Defender

RB - right Bacck GK - goal keeper

RW - right Wing

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis

Membangun Fasilitas Olahraga Yang Layak Di Papua

Kita semua tahu, bahwa orang Papua erat dengan konotasi kekuatan fisik. Tak heran jika mereka banyak diterima di bidang usaha sekuriti (bukan sekuritas ya), atau jasa keamanan. Postur mereka yang dominan besar, kekar, dan berotot nampaknya bisa memfasilitasi kebutuhan sebagai sekuriti. Tak hanya itu, kemampuan mereka secara fisik memang tangguh dalam menghadapi perubahan cuaca, kemapuan survive-nya pun baik. Alam Papua nampaknya sudah mendidik mereka dalam hal itu. Namun untuk hal kemampuan intelengensia (kecerdasan) nampak bukan menjadi ketertarikan mayoritas masyarakat Papua. Pembangunan sekolah dan sarana pendidikan jelas tetap penting, akan tetapi dilihat profil mayoritas masyarakat Papua tadi harusnya pemerintah juga mampu memfasilitasi sarana lain selain sekolah formal. Nampaknya pemerintah harus membangun fasilitas olahraga yang besar di Papua.

Papua bisa dijadikan pusat pelatihan olah raga terbesar di Indonesia. Lokasinya yang bersih dari pencemaran industri dan polusi transportasi, menjadikan udara Papua bersih untuk berolah raga. Ada banyak lahan luas yang akan pasti bagus jika dibuat dengan serius. Sudah saatnya menteri olah raga melirik Papua sebagai provinsi olah raga. Semua atlit nasional yang akan berkiprah ke kancah internasional harus masuk akademi atlet di Papua. Di Papua itu nanti, akan ada hotel atlet, rumah sakit atlet, trainning centre, pusat perbelanjaan atlet, bahkan bandara udara internasional pun bisa dibangun di sana. Dengan demikian, ke depannya nanti, jika ada pertandingan kelas internasional (seperti tinju Chris Jones di Kalimantan) bisa saja diselenggarakan di Papua.

Pertanyaan terakhir, sulitkah membangun itu semua? mahalkah? Sebagai komparasi, ITB berhasil membangun satu komplek olah raga dalam jangka waktu 10 tahun. Kelapa Gading Estate berhasil membangun Sport Center hanya dalam waktu sekian tahun saja. Nah sekarang bandingkan dengan pendapatan pemerintah dari pajak Freeport tadi yang 27 milyar per hari. Jika saja pemerintah mau.. (kalau mauuu) merelakan melepas 1 milyar perhari untuk ketertinggalan Papua ini, maka untuk sebulan Papua mempunyai 30 milyar, 360 milyar per-tahun.

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis

4 Pukulan Dasar Dalam Permainan Billiard

Ada empat cara memukul bola dalam permainan billiard. Empat pukulan ini merupakan pukulan yang paling dasar yang harus anda ketahui jika anda berkeinginan untuk menjadi orang yang bisa bermain billiard dengan benar.

Stop Shoot/Stop Stroke.

Pukulan ini membuat bola putih berhenti di tempat apabila dipukul sejajar dengan bola sasaran. Apabila tidak sejajar, bola putih akan bergerak normal (tidak telalu cepat dan tidak terlalu lambat). Pukulan ini juga merupakan pukulan yang paling mudah, karena titik pukul pada bola ada pada tengah-tengah bola putih.

Draw Shot/Draw Stroke.

Pukulan ini akan membuat bola putih mundur apabila dipukul sejajar dengan bola sasaran. Apabila tidak sejajar, bola putih akan memiliki sudut pantul yang lebih lebar dan berjalan lambat. Pukulan ini dapat dilakukan dengan memukul bola putih sedikit dibawah titik tengah dari bola. Pukulan ini jangan dilakukan terlalu di bawah titik tengah, karena jika dipukul dengan tenaga yang berlebih, bola putih justru akan menggelinding di atas stick/cue (atau yang sering dikenal dengan jump ball, walaupun teknik jump ballnya salah).

Follow Shot/Follow Stroke.

Pukulan ini akan membuat bola putih bergerak maju apabila dipukul sejajar dengan bola sasaran. Apabila tidak sejajar, bola putih akan memiliki sudut pantul yang lebih sempit dan bergerak lebih cepat. Pukulan ini dapat dilakukan dengan memukul bola putih sedikit diatas titik tengah.

Spin Shot/Spin Stroke.

Pukulan ini akan membuat bola putih bergerak pada sudut yang tidak semestinya setelah mengenai bola sasaran ataupun cushion/ban. Pukulan ini dapat dilakukan dengan memukul bola putih sedikit di sebelah kiri atau kanan dari titik tengah.

Keempat pukulan tadi merupakan pukulan dasar dalam bermain billiard. Keempat pukulan tersebut dapat dikombinasikan agar bola putih dapat berhenti pada sudut yang tepat pada bola berikutnya

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis

Bulu Tangkis Dapat Di Jadikan Ladang Bisnis

Dalam usaha menaikkan prestasi bulutangkis Indonesia, berbagai turnamen nasional yang sangat bergengsi diadakan. Meskipun nasional, “rasanya” tetap internasional. Rasa di sini, karena turnamen seperti Djarum Sirkuit Nasional (Sirnas) telah diakui internasional. Pasalnya poin yang didapat para pemain di sirnas juga diakui secara internasional (Federasi Bulutangkis Dunia, BWF).

Otomatis, semakin sering juara, maka peringkat internasionalnya pun naik. Turnamen Sirnas semakin tinggi gengsinya karena kompetisi yang juga diikuti banyak pemain luar negeri ini menyodorkan hadiah berlimpah setiap digelar.

Minimal Rp165 juta setiap seri Sirnas diperebutkan para pemain. Setiap kali turnamen ini digelar, dengan mendapat dukungan sponsor utama Djarum, selalu menyedot banyak perhatian penonton. Pada 2010 ini ada sembilan Sirnas yang diselenggarakan di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Setiap hari, turnamen selalu dibanjiri penonton. Bahkan, turnamen ini menjadi “rebutan” berbagai daerah. Rebutan yang dimaksud, adalah daerah pada berebut menjadi tuan rumah.

Dengan hadiah yang cukup banyak di sektor senior, para pemain bisa menggantungkan hidup dari Sirnas. Semakin banyak juara, semakin besar peluang pemain mendapatkan sponsor. Sirnas seharusnya menjadi industri berbobot. Semua memang berbanding lurus. Semakin prestasinya tinggi, semakin besar pula nilai kontraknya. Nilai yang tinggi juga didapat Taufik Hidayat. Mantan pemain nomor satu dunia ini dikontrak produsen alat-alat olahraga Yonex. Pemain asal Bandung ini laku keras, karena tidak saja Yonex yang mendukungnya tetapi juga produsen non alat olahraga.

Melihat kenyataan itu, bulutangkis, cabang olahraga yang sering mengharumkan nama Indonesia di dunia internasional, ternyata bisa menjadi pegangan hidup. Memang, tidak mudah menjadi pemain profesional. Mereka tentu harus membuktikan diri menjadi yang terbaik, baik di turnamen nasional maupun internasional, baru sponsor akan datang.

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis

Olahraga Bonbol Memerlukan Saranan Olahraga Yang Memadai

Olahraga di Bone Bolango (Bonbol) bisa dibilang mempunyai prestasi yang sangat menjanjikan. Bagaimana tidak beberapa cabang Olahraga di Bonbol, berhasil meraih prestasi baik di tingkat Provinsi maupun tingkat nasional. Sehingga perhatian terhadap perkembangan olahraga di Bonbol perlu mendapat perhatian besar dari Pemda.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Ketua Komisi III Dekab Bonbol Yakub Tangahu saat ditemuinya di ruang kerjanya Jum’at (1/10) kemarin. Pihaknya mengaku beberapa cabang di Bonbol sudah mendapatkan prestasi yang membanggakan seperti karate, silat, bulu tangkis.

“Prestasi ini baik secara beregu maupun tunggal, olehnya sangat penting untuk dapat meningkatkan potensi olahraga di Bonbol,” ujarnya. Aleg yang juga menjabat sebagai Ketua Harian Komisi Olahraga Nasional Indoensia (Koni) Gorontalo cabang Bonbol mengaku, untuk saat ini sarana dan prasarana olahraga yang ada di Bonbol masih sangat minim. Bahkan tidak berlebihan jika dikatakan tidak ada. “para atlet di Bonbol butuh sebuah sarana olahraga untuk dapat melaksanakan latihan rutin. Tidak hanya itu tempat latihan tetapi juga peralatan olahraga untuk dapat menunjang peningkatan potensi olahraga di Bonbol,” terang Yakub.

Yakub berharap dengan peraturan yang sekarang dimana Pemda membiayai kebutuhan olahraga daerah melalui Anggaran Belanjda dan Pendapatan Daerah (APBD), pihaknya berharap harapan para atletik Bonbol untuk mendapat fasilitas dan sarana olahraga dapat tercapai. “Olehnya dibutuhkan satu badan di Pemda yang berdiri sendiri untuk dapat mengelola persoalan olahraga di Bonbol. Dengan begini maka kemajuan olahraga di Bonbol dapat terus meningkat,” jelasnya. (AMA)

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis

Developing Successful Leadership Practices

By: Riley Jones

Successful leadership practices and professional business management skills are proficiencies that develop over time. Actually, some people are born leaders, however there are certain areas which will be targeted on to develop leadership skills.

Mahatma Gandhi once said "If I have the idea that I can do it, I can surely acquire the capability to try and do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning".

Sensible leadership starts with a solid and clearly defined leadership philosophy. Why? As a result of your personal leadership philosophy defines a collection of beliefs that verify how you react to folks and situations.

Jim Collins and Jerry Porras describe the key parts of a leadership philosophy in their book Designed to Last. At the core of a leadership philosophy they place a group of beliefs or ideologies. It's necessary to define these for yourself to perceive your leadership philosophy. The three belief systems Collins and Porras define are what you think concerning individuals, what you believe concerning life and what you believe makes teams and organisations effective. These systems are expressed in your values and ultimately shape how you behave and your leadership style.

Martin Glenn is a leadership skilled and complete guru with demonstrable expertise and expertise. He and his team took Walkers Snack Foods from a relatively small regional operation to the most well-known supermarket brand within the UK in simply 5 years. By 2005, Walkers occupied forty five% of the ?2-billion salty snacks industry in the UK. Nowadays as the CEO of PepsiCo UK (the parent company of Walkers), Glenn has been tasked with making Pepsi a household name within the UK.

Martin Glenn has had wonderful teams behind him that have aided in his success. And while quality of product, branding marketing and distribution are the hallmarks of Walkers crisps' success - his account of this turnaround reveals many valuable lessons regarding successful business leadership practices, and his personal leadership philosophies.

In an eBook entitiled Successful Leadership in Apply, Glenn distils the various leadership lessons he's learned along the way. These embrace recommendation regarding managing teams and creativity, when to relinquishing, an uncompromising commitment to quality and excellence and engagement with every employee.

Martin Glenn provides some clear lessons in successful leadership practices. As an example, he says that in addition to having a clear leadership philosophy - it's also vital to know your business inside and out. A slip-up several folks in management positions create is just viewing the globe from their desks. Solely counting on data could be a huge mistake - and it's advisable to get out into the field yourself to work out what is really going on. Whereas you are out there, create time to speak to people. This is often one manner to elicit info from them that will give ways in which to improve or innovate.

He goes on to say that great business leadership strategies ought to not only keep individuals motivated, however conjointly ensure that the business stays contemporary and keeps moving forward. This does not mean that you must change for change's sake - this could be fatal to a brand that has been established over time. However, when marketing a product keep things additional-ordinary. This will guarantee that folks do not stop talking concerning your product or business.

Another lesson is that taking time to engage with each employee is very important to excellence in leadership. It is a well-established reality that deeper relationships and open internal communication channels with workers make every member of an organization not solely feel a lot of valued and empowered, however additionally motivated to try and do their job better and to create selections that are in the most effective interest of the organization.

Finally, and this could be a shocker - it's not all about profit! In Martin Glenn's example with Walkers crisps, yes, the profits doubled in five years however this was not the initial objective. This was simply a natural results of the means things developed as a result of of Glenn's specialize in doing his job properly and a specialize in growth.

Definitely taking these lessons in successful leadership practices on board will solely improve your leadership skills, enabling you to encourage teams and take your business to new heights in the data that you have a solid foundation on that to build.

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By: Best Marketing Solution

Some Websites you visit often can help improve their ranking. It's no secret that the sites with the highest traffic are at the top of the search engine result pages for every keyword. This is often why your SEO web design is crucial to the advancement of your web site within the SERPs. The reason this is therefore necessary is because of the habits of a majority of the net surfers on the Internet. Most only take a look at the top 10 or 20 sites that are on the result pages of their keyword search.

If you are a net website owner and would like to have your site on prime of the rankings for specific keywords, there are some very vital things that your site must be to obtain this goal. The fastest manner to rise to the top is to have your keyword within the title of your URL. This will have a limited impact solely if your target market uses additional than one keyword, however it can still be beneficial because the high ranking of that keyword can contribute to others.

Have your SEO web design knowledgeable construct your web site to allow the search engine spiders to simply access your entire site. This can be done by omitting session IDs. These tracking devices are useful to understand where your visitors last your site, but inhibit the access of the spider bots from totally accessing your site. The bots want to see what is on your web site to actually know what is there therefore it can be ranked appropriately.

The right use of robot.txt files can help guide the spiders to the part of your web site that you want them to see. If not done properly, the bots will not be ready to crawl through what you think is important on your site and it will affect how your web site is ranked.

The very first lesson all website owners hear about for their site to receive repeat visitors is to observe the three C’s. Consistent, current, and quality content can keep the Internet browsing surfers coming back. This cannot be stressed enough. This will require the site owner to create a minimum of one new posting every day, each day. With these postings, the keywords must stay focused.

Things you should instruct your SEO web design skilled to avoid are hidden links, cloaked redirect links on your website, automated queries to the search engines, and pages designed simply for search engines. These are frowned upon by all of the search engines. They might cause you to drop within the rankings or worse, become delisted. Avoid the use of hidden Trojans that download to your guests’ computers to trace their habits. This and different black hat techniques will negatively have an effect on your rankings by the search engines.

Most significantly, always use text that can be seen by your visitors. Many website owners use text in white where keywords are hidden. Only the search engine spiders can see these, but it is considered a black hat technique and website that saturate their pages with keywords in white text are punished.

Having quality content and advertising your web site on the social posting networks with links back to your website can expose your site to the visitors of the Internet and increase your traffic. These useful tips along with the right directions to your SEO web design expert can facilitate your site become more

Global SEO web design, Multilingual SEO SEO Norway

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10 Ways to be More Productive in Your Home Business

Working from home is a dream come true for most. Thoughts of simpler times and easier work - life balance, conference calls in your pajamas and uninterrupted focus on your work. Well, think again. Before you know it the lines between work and life begin to get blurred as you start to be pulled in multiple directions and are faced with choices such as "should I put in a load of laundry before I start this proposal", or "Should I plan dinner before inputting my business expenses". These are real world examples of what happens in home based businesses and before you know it, there are unforeseen distractions, lack of balanced time and sometimes, a lost identity since many relate who they are with want they do. But don't give up just yet; here are 10 tips to keep you on track and to be more productive in your home business.

1. Declare a specific work space

Maintain a separate and dedicated workspace that you can use when you are in "work mode". This is a place that you condition yourself that when you are in, you are to be 100% focused on work activities.

2.Set a work schedule

Make sure to structure your day so you are not pulled in different directions. Try to schedule your day and isolate a specific work schedule that works for you and your lifestyle. If you want to go to the gym everyday for an 11 o'clock yoga class, then work that into your schedule. Perhaps your workday starts at noon. One of the benefits of working from home is that you get to set your own schedule, just make sure you set a firm schedule and keep to it.

3.Outsource what you can

Streamline your business and outsource what you can. Hire a virtual assistant who can handle the administrative tasks which will allow you to focus on building your business. If you try to do everything yourself, you will soon realize that you are working long hours.

4.Stay focused

When you are at your workspace, stay focused. Make sure other members of the household know that you are in the "zone" and that you are not to be interrupted. Keep all of your personal stuff away from your workspace and stay 100% committed to getting your work done for the day.

5.Beware of the "needy" people

When people hear you are working from home, they often envision that you are lying around on the couch eating snacks and will begin to ask favors of you since they are stuck in their office. Don't fall into the trap of the needy people. During your work hours, you are working and be firm when your friends ask you to check on their pets, or wait for the cable guy or run errands for them. Treat your business as though you also have a job and set those boundaries up in the beginning.

6.Break for people

One of the benefits of working in an office is that you are around people. Don't isolate yourself from others. Take moments to join your friends for lunch or participate in classes. Surround yourself with others when you can so you can stay motivated, connected and engaged.

7.Group errands and tasks

Try to minimize your "out of office" time but grouping your errands together. Rather than a bunch of in and out of the house, set out to complete all of your errands in one complete swoop. This way, you will manage your time better.

8.Use technology

Be sure to use technology in your business. This will give the impression that you are bigger than you are and cut down expenses. Nowadays, you can have virtual meetings, send documents electronically and collaborate with others in an online environment. Just remember to have separate lines for yourself and your business.

9.Manage your administrative time

Checking emails, social media, returning phone calls, putting together reports and checking blackberry can be time wasters. Be sure to manage your time. Select three times a day that you check email s and that is the only time you check them. If you fall victim to checking emails as soon as they come in, before you know it, the day is gone.

10.Set your own pace to your own moods

This is your dream. Be sure to live it. Create a business that works for you and what you want just be sure to treat it as a business and stay focused and disciplined.

Employment, Careers, career

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Employee Communication: The Secret to Business Success (Part 1)

By: adam howard

Business surveys consistently show us that poor workplace communication could be a major supply of employee dissatisfaction. The repercussions of this include not just low employee morale. Employee productivity suffers, together with a vary of other business performance indicators.

Business Impact of Poor Communication
Have you ever stopped to think about how much unsatisfactory communication practices are costing your business? A number of these costs embody:

? increased employee turnover
? increased absenteeism
? dissatisfied customers from poor customer service
? higher product defect rates
? lack of specialize in business objectives
? stifled innovation

How several of these prices can you recognize in your business? You can flip the situation around. Staff can place in that further "discretionary effort" after they are kept informed brazenly and honestly on aspects of their job and the business and that they feel that they're being listened to with empathy.

Employee Communication Needs
What and how ought to you communicate together with your employees? Communication in your organization should satisfy the three key employee needs before they will be engaged and highly productive. Every and each employee needs to:

1. Apprehend that ...
-included here are facts regarding your organization and their specific job - what business you are in, who your customers are, specific details regarding your product or service, where forms are located, who to determine when there is a downside ...

2. Master that ...
-included here are the sensible skills required to try to to their job well - repairing a machine, filling out an invoice, designing a building, writing a software program ...

3. Feel that ...
-included here are the interactions that provide them a way of belonging and self-price - being listened to, revered, trusted, valued ...

Managers predominantly think about the primary need - grasp that - and pay less attention to the second would like to master skills. The third would like - feel that - is what makes workers distinctly human and what drives them to outstanding achievement in work and outdoors of work. And however it's in this dimension that employee communications are most lacking.

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Resolving Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to a Win-Win Solution (Part 11)

Seeing and dealing with workers as citizenry with real lives is typically overlooked within the busy workplace. People with high emotional intelligence can do this in a very skilled manner, and maintain acceptable boundaries. Another side of EQ is knowing and being sensitive to how employees are experiencing you as a manager. Half of EQ is teaching managers to be sensitive to how theyre returning across to others.

The fourth facet of reducing workplace conflict is putting in place behavioral consequences to be used with really uncooperative employees who are unwilling to change. Despite using of these recommendations, there can be a few workers that simply wont change as a result of theyre unwilling or unable. Meaning a manager should make a case for a consequence, which is an action or sanction that states to the worker the seemingly outcome of continuous problematic behavior. It will take skills from the 3 previous points to do this in a very non-threatening way.

Is there ever a place for anger in the workplace? Yes. When people can say, Wait a minute. Im not pleased with this; I dont like whats going on, and that they turn that anger into a positive action, then the anger can be seen as a quite motivator. Generally when were during a position where we acknowledge that we are upset about one thing, and we have a tendency to use that to our advantage, we have a tendency to can build that employment for us, and in the long run, really work for the company.

As staff, the additional we have a tendency to will learn to speak up, to be ready to mention what our desires and our needs are in a healthy way, and not let it fester to the point of rage or explosion, we tend to can use our anger as a motivator to assist us take action.

Employees will additionally modification their attitude toward their job whereas putting up with the unpleasant aspects of it. One method to reduce conflict and to be happier is to seek out a method to shift our perspective and our vision of why were there.

Id like to shut with a story thats going around concerning the janitor at Carnegie Hall who had been there for 20 years. Hes 45 years old. He was cleaning up the restroom, and a man during a business suit went up to him and said, You appear to be an intelligent fellow. For 20 years youve been cleaning the toilets. Why dont you do one thing together with your life and find another job?

And also the janitor said, What? And leave show business?

Its all in how we view the situation and understand what were doing that determines our satisfaction and success on the job.

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Resolving Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to a Win-Win Solution (Part 1)

By: adam howard

The effects of conflict in the workplace are widespread and costly. Its prevalence, as indicated by 3 serious studies, shows that twenty four-sixty% of management time and energy is spent coping with anger. This results in decreased productivity, increased stress among staff, hampered performance, high turnover rate, absenteeism and at its worst, violence and death.

Conflict in the workplace is the result of a selection of factors. Perhaps the most significant cause is when someone feels taken advantage of. This may happen when a perfectionist boss demands the same dedication and commitment from staff as he or she exhibits, however will not compensate them for the late or weekend hours.

Other scenarios embrace the worker having unrealistic expectations of what their job position extremely is, or of being misunderstood in the workplace. Conflict conjointly arises as a result of of values and goal variations in the company. The corporate may not have goals or not adequately specific the goals and values to their employees. Conversely, the employee may have personal goals and values at odds with those of the company.

There are four specific steps managers can take to cut back workplace conflict. The first is for managers to seem at communication skills, both in terms of how they convey and the way theyre teaching their staff to communicate with each other. This, after all, includes using I statements instead of you language. Owning your own feelings and your own communication may be a much additional effective approach to communicate and even additional, teaching your staff to speak that method with others, goes a long method toward reducing conflict.

The second part of communication is for managers to beef up listening skills. Active listening involves things like truly trying to perceive what the other person is saying, and then communicating to the other person that you are doing indeed perceive what theyre saying.

The second method to decrease workplace conflict is to establish healthy boundaries. Without boundaries, there will be conflict and squabbles, power struggles and all types of circumstances that make for messy situations.

You'll be skilled and be empathetic and compassionate toward your staff, while not crossing the line of changing into their friend. This is often especially important when theres a power distinction between 2 individuals in an employment situation.

The third factor to reducing conflict may be a skill referred to as emotional intelligence. There are many aspects and sides however it primarily means that developing skills to be more effective by teaching people to mix both intelligence and emotions in the workplace.

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Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Membuat Bisnis Sewa Lapangan

Bila mempunyai lahan yang cukup luas, dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menjalankan bisnis sewa lapangan olahraga ini. Sebagai pertimbangan, kita akan membahas bisnis persewaan lapangan tenis.


konsumen utama adalah para penggemar olahraga tenis.


Dibutuhkan tanah yang cukup luas untuk dibuat lapangan tenis. Agar masyarakat tahu tentang tempat kita, promosikan di surat kabar dan klub tenis serta perkantoran


Perawatan lapangan dan para penggemar. tenis yang terbatas


Lapangan tenis sebaiknya berkualitas agar memuaskan pelanggan dalam menggunakannya. kemudian promosi.



Membangun lapangan Rp 20.000.000,-

Peralatan dan penyediaan minuman Rp 5.000.000,-

TOTAL Rp 25.000.000,-


Air dan es Rp 300.000,-

Gaji pegawai Rp 700.000,-

Perawatan lapa ngan Rp 300.000,-

TOTAL Rp 1.300.000,-

Omzet per bulan Rp 4.000.000,-

Laba per bulan Rp 2.700.000,-

analisis BEP 10 Bulan


* perhitungan untuk 2 lapangan tenis

Bagaimana ?? suatu peluang usaha baru di bidang rental kan , jika memang peluang usaha PERSEWAAN LAPANGAN OLAHRAGA ini masih belum cocok untuk Anda. Silakan tunggu peluang-peluang usaha yang lainnya ya.Semoga dapat menjadi suatu ide usaha dan peluang usaha baru bagi Teman-teman semua.

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Tips Sebelum Anda Membeli Alat Treadmill

Jangan langsung percara beberapa alat kardio ternyata tidak menampilkan jumlah kalori sebenarnya yang terbakar. Dengan maksud untuk menambah motivasi berlatih, jumlah kalori terbakar yang tertera kadangkala 20% - 30% LEBIH BESAR dibandingkan yang sebenarnya. Bila anda menginginkan alat kardio yang lebih jujur, pilihlah treadmill. Penghitungan kalori pada treadmill jauh lebih akurat dan sudah banyak dibuktikan oleh berbagai penelitian medik.

Jika aerobik merupakan pilihan latihan nomor satu, maka treadmill jadi pilihan alat fitness yang pertama. Demikian favoritnya sehingga bisa saja terjadi anda harus antri untuk menggunakan treadmill pada peak hour suatu fitness centre. Demikian populernya treadmill membuat kebanyakan pusat kebugaran lebih suka berinvestasi dengan menambah lebih banyak treadmill ketimbang membeli alat baru

Dan ada 3 hal pokok yang harus diperhatikan dalam membeli sebuah treadmill. selain model dan fungsi - fungsinya, 3 hal pokok ini juga harus diingat. yang pertama serpis. ya serpis itu sangat penting. jika kita membeli tradmill, perhatikan apakah alat tersebut bergaransi atau tidak. yang kedua adalah opis, iya opis itu kantor. kita harus tau apakah merek tersebut mempunyai opis di tempat kita membeli alat tersebut. yang ketiga jangan lupa customer serpis. customer serpis merupakan layanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan jika mungkin alat yang ibu beli rusak dan ingin menggunakan jasa perbaikan alat olahraga ini, atau anda ingin mengganti belt pada treadmill. di tempat service ketiga hal ini, serpis, opis, dan customer serpis semuanya ada. jadi anda tidak perlu ragu jika ingin membeli alat treadmill sekarang ,atau suatu waktu alat ini rusak atau ada yang ingin diganti. Pihak service akan langsung ke tempat anda

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Manajemen Fasilitas Sekolah

Fasilitas jasmani merupakan pertimbangan utama dalam kebanyakan pendidikan jasmani, program atletik dan rekreasi. Banyak ide-ide arsitektur baru yang sedang diperkenalkan dan konsep-konsep baru dikembangkan untuk memiliki fasilitas yang lebih ekonomis dan lebih fungsional.


Ada dua prinsip penting yang harus selalu diingat para guru olahraga dalam kaitannya dengan manajemen fasilitas, yaitu: (1) fasilitas muncul dari kebutuhan program, dan (2) perencanaan kooperatif penting untuk menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan umum.

Pendidikan jasmani dan aktivitas atletik memerlukan fasilitas-fasilitas untuk penyimpanan pakaian, pengguyuran tubuh, dan pengeringan,serta perawatan alat olahraga Ini penting bagi kesehatan yang baik dan program yang terorganisir dengan baik. Ruang loker dan shower harus dapat diakses oleh tempat beraktivitas. Ruang loker tidak boleh menjadi tempat yang menumpuk yang seseorang ingin keluar darinya sesegera mungkin. Justru, ruang ini harus luas, menyediakan loker penyimpanan dan pakaian, bangku-bangku, cermin, tempat istirahat dan tempat minum.


Tipe dan jumlah gymnasium yang harus menjadi bagian dari sebuah sekolah atau organisasi tergantung pada jumlah individu yang akan berpartisiasi dan berbagai aktivitas yang akan dilakukan di area ini.

Fitur Dalam Fasilitas Pendidikan Jasmani

Ada banyak kecenderungan dalam hal fasilitas dan material untuk program-program pendidikan jasmani, termasuk material-material lantai yang baru, tipe perlengkapan yang baru, hamparan arena yang semakin membaik, material konstruksi yang baru, bentuk-bentuk baru untuk kolam renang, tempat perlindungan parsial, dan rumput sintetik.

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Mengenal Olahraga Selancar

Olahraga Selancar merupakan permainan ekstrim, menjadi pilihan bagi penggemar olahraga pantai. Olahraga ini berlangsung di atas ombak yang tinggi, dengan menggunakan papan sebagai tempat untuk berdiri (pijakan). Papan selancar bergerak dengan tenaga ombak, yang arahnya dikemudikan oleh peselancar. Keahlian menjaga keseimbangan membuat peselancar tetap bertahan di atas ombak. Namun, saat bermain olahraga ekstrim ini kita harus tetap waspada dengan segala resikonya.

Sejarah olahraga Selancar, Di awal abad ke-20 berselancar mulai dikenal oleh orang Amerika dan Australia dan komunitas selancar pun terbentuk pada beberapa pantai di negara Paman Sam tersebut. Budaya selancar muncul akibat dari naik pamornya olahraga yang kemudian melahirkan gaya hidup tersebut dan tercermin dari berbagai produk, musik, fashion, majalah hingga film-film yang menggambarkan anak pantai yang serba santai. Para sosiolog Amerika pada pertengahan tahun 50-an mencapnya sebagai budaya orang malas. Tetapi di era abad 19 awal olahraga ini mulai digemari oleh kalangan muda, sehingga olah raga ini menjadi semakin populer dan lebih mendunia

Bagi peselancar pemula, perlu diperhatikan hal-hal terpenting sebelum melakukan olahraga ekstrim ini. Pertama, melakukan pemanasan untuk melenturkan otot-otot tubuh, sehingga mencegah terjadinya kram. Kedua, belajar membaca ombak, karena jenis ombak untuk olahraga selancar terdiri dari ombak bergerak pelan, cepat dan adapula ombak menyerupai lingkaran. Ketiga, informasi tentang lokasi surfing, mengetahui apakah daerah tersebut memiliki karang atau banyak bebatuan, atau menjadi daerah larangan.

Memahami atau belajar olahraga selancar membutuhkan waktu yang cukup, tergantung semangat belajar kita. Jika menginginkan guru atau trainer yang lebih professional maka sebaiknya melalui Sekolah Selancar, seperti yang ada di Kuta Bali. Bila ingin yang lebih murah, Anda dapat belajar pada orang yang pekerjaannya menyewakan papan selancar dan biasanya memberikan jasa privat belajar selancar. Orang seperti itu dapat anda temukan di pinggir pantai lokasi berselancar.

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Melihat Event Ski Air Pertama Di Indonesia

Untuk pertama kalinya, Indonesia menggelar Kejuaraan Ski Air, Wakeboard, dan Barefoot Asia, Australasia, dan Oseania (AAO) 2010 di Danau Sunter sejak tanggal 5 hingga 10 Oktober.Kejuaraan yang digabung dengan Kejuaraan Asia ini diikuti 114 atlet dari 17 negara."Untuk atlet dari Asia, sekali main, kalau menang akan dapat dua medali, AAO dan Kejuaraan Asia," kata Wakil Ketua Penyelenggara AAO 2010 Danny Boestami kepada Tempo, pagi ini.

Kegiatan dua tahunan ini diharapkan tidak terganggu oleh cuaca ekstrem yang sedang melanda Indonesia. "Kami siasati dengan memajukan jadwal pertandingan lebih pagi, jadi saat hujan turun sore hari, pertandingan sudah selesai," ujar Danny yang juga menjabat Sekretaris Jenderal II Persatuan Ski Air Seluruh Indonesia itu.Ia menyebutkan olahraga ini memiliki batas toleransi cuaca. "Kalau hujan angin terlalu kencang, pertandingan tidak bisa dilakukan," katanya. Bukan hanya dengan memajukan jadwal pertandingan, Danny mengatakan panitia juga menyiapkan pawang hujan. "Usaha apapun kami lakukan supaya acara ini berjalan lancar," ujarnya.

Terpilihnya Danau Sunter sebagai lokasi penyelenggaraan disebutkan Danny karena tempat ini sudah biasa dipakai untuk latihan atlet nasional dan DKI Jakarta. "Fasilitas pendukung seperti motorboat sudah ada di sini," katanya.Danny mengemukakan sempat ada pertimbangan untuk menyelenggarakan kejuaraan ini di Bali. "Tapi biayanya bisa dua kali lipat daripada di Jakarta," ujarnya. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena Bali bukan lokasi yang biasa dipakai untuk olahraga ski air. "Fasilitasnya harus dibangun dulu," katanya.

Sementara, panitia memilih waktu penyelenggaraan di akhir tahun dikatakan Danny karena agenda Persasi yang penuh di awal tahun. "Kami juga mencocokkan dengan musim di Australia dan Selandia Baru," ujarnya. Untuk pertama kali pula, AAO diikuti tim dari negara-negara Timur Tengah. "Biasanya, Timur Tengah masuk ke wilayah yang sama dengan Eropa, tapi kali ini kami mengundang karena secara geografis Timur Tengah lebih dekat ke Asia," ujarnya.

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis

Mengenal Olahraga Polo Air

Polo air adalah olahraga air beregu, yang dapat dianggap sebagai kombinasi renang, gulat, sepak bola dan bola basket. Satu tim terdiri dari enam pemain dan satu kiper. Tujuan permainan menyerupai sepak bola, yaitu untuk mencetak gol sebanyak-banyaknya, satu gol dihitung satu poin.

Setiap regu polo air terdiri dari 13 atlit yang terdiri dari 2 penjaga gawang dan 11 pemain. Setiap regu yang akan bertanding diwajibkan memakai uniform (training/kaos), celana renang seragam, topi polo air yang bernomor (1 s/d 13) yang dibedakan berwarna putih atau biru. Setiap regu polo air menurunkan 6 pemain dengan 1 penjaga gawang yang menggunakan topi berwarna merah, total 7 orang pemain.

Setiap pertandingan resmi memakai standar peraturan International (FINA), pertandingan dipimpin 2 (Dua) orang wasit & dibantu oleh 2 orang hakim garis (Goal Judge), lama pertandingan adalah 8 menit (Bersih) x 4 babak. Jeda istirahat setiap babak 1 & 2 serta 3 & 4 adalah 2 menit sedangkan jeda istirahat untuk babak 2 ke babak 3 adalah 5 menit. Jika skor akhir dari babak 4 seri, akan dilanjutkan 2 babak tambahan (2 x 8 menit) untuk menentukan pemenang, jika masih terjadi seri, pertandingan akan dilanjutkan dengan tembakan 5 buah bola masing masing setiap regu, yang diwakili oleh 5 orang pemain dari titik pinalti (5 meter).

Pada era tahun 1960-an, perkembangan olahraga polo air Indonesia berkembang dengan baik sehingga cukup diperhitungkan oleh negara negara lain disaat tim polo air Indonesia mengikuti event internasional seperti GANEFO, SEA Games, Kejuaraan Asia & Asian Games. Bahkan prestasi tim polo air Indonesia dapat dinilai sangat baik. (prestasi dapat dilihat dibawah ini)

Memasuki era tahun 2000, terdapat 9 propinsi yang telah melakukan pembinaan cabang olahraga polo air, seperti propinsi Jambi, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Barat, Sulawesi Selatan, Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah & DKI Jakarta. Cabang olahraga ini mengalami banyak perubahan dalam peraturan & berkembang sangat pesat.

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Pentingnya Olahraga Renang Untuk Si Kecil

Hasil riset gabungan Lancaster University dan Norwegian University of Science and Technology mengungkap bayi yang berenang memiliki keseimbangan yang lebih baik dan lebih mudah meraih obyek ketimbang bayi tidak berenang.Riset juga mencatat bayi yang dikenalkan olahraga renang beberapa bulan paska melahirkan membantu mereka mengembangkan ketrampilan fisik dikemudian hari. Menurut peneliti perkembangan itu bakal terjadi hingga kelak anak berusia 5 tahun.

Sebelumnya, Profesor Hermundur Sigmundsson dari NTNU dan Profesor Brian Hopkins dari Lancaster University membandingkan 19 bayi perenang dengan 19 bayi yang tidak berenang. Dari dua kelompok bayi yang diamati memiliki karakteristik yang sama seperti pendidikan orang tua dan status ekonomi. Hal yang membedakan keduanya ialah pengenalan olahraga renang pada bayi.Dikelompok pertama, bayi telah mengikuti kelas berenang selama dua jam seminggu dari umur 2-3 bulan hingga usia 7 bulan. Sedangkan kelompok kedua, bayi tidak pernah menjalani latihan khusus berenang hingga usianya diatas setahun.

Pada sesi pertama riset,peneliti membantu bayi berenang menuju kasur air yang mengambang, bayi lalu diharuskan menyelam, melompat dari tepi kolam dan diharuskan memegang objek yang ditentukan peneliti. Ketika mereka berusia 5 tahun, kedua kelompok diuji beberapa latihan seperti berdiri dengan satu kaki, melompat tali dan menangkap banyal.

"Kami melihat sangat jelas bayi yang berenang memiliki kemampuan terbaik dalam latihan yang berkaitan dengan keseimbangan dan kemampuan untuk mencapai sesuatu," kata Profesor Sigmundsson seperti dikutip dari dailymail, akhir pekan ini.Profesor Sigmundsson mengaku kewalahan ketika harus memberitahukan kepada instruktur terkait arahan yang harus diberikan pada bayi-bayi itu. "Instruktur mampu membawa bayi berusia tiga bulan padaposisi seimbang, berdiri di atas telapak tangannya. Bayi seperti mengunci sendi mereka, sangat luar biasa untuk disaksikan," katanya.

Dari hasil riset, Sigmundsson percaya memberikan latihan olahraga renang khusus pada anak-anak dapat membuahkan hasil. "Sangat menarik, ketika tahu bahwa pemberian latihan khusus pada bayi berpengaruh di masa pertumbuhannya. Karena tumbuh kembang adalah keterkaitan yang dinamis antara pematangan, pertumbuhan, pengalaman dan pembelajaran," katanya.

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Olahraga Diving Di Bali Timur Yang Indah

Bali bagian Timur memiliki apapun yang anda impikan. Disana Anda akan menemukan permata dan surga istimewa dalam keindahan alam yang eksotik yang berpadu dengan budaya yang masih kental terasa serta keramahan orang-orang sekitar. Disini pula lah terdapat Pantai Amed, pantai yang akan memberikan anda kedamaian dan ketenangan. Nikmati pula kelezatan makanan yang ada serta keuntungan yang didapat dari akomodasi yang terjangkau.

Pantai Amed menawarkan tempat yang bagus untuk latihan diving atau olahraga menyelam. Disana ada danau di pinggir pantai yang datar yang baik untuk latihan, serta batu karang yang dapat dicapai dengan berenang selama 5 menit. Tempat ini merupakan usulan terbaik untuk mengenal olahraga menyelam dan menjadikannya sebagai tempat yang sangat menyenangkan untuk belajar menyelam.

Anda dapat melakukan snorkling dan diving di sekitar pantai yang berpasir hitam ini. Jenis- jenis ikan yang sangat bervariasi dapat dikatakan paling menarik dibandingkan tempat-tempat lain di seluruh Bali yang disertai dengan kehangatan air yang tidak berubah-ubah yaitu 28 derajat. Berbagai macam kelompok ikan seperti ikan cardinal, ikan trigger, black snaper, pyramid butterrflies, ikan banner, dan ikan damselfish dapat dilihat di air atas pasir.

Cemuluk sebagai pantai yang dilindungi adalah tempat yang ideal untuk memulai snorkeling Anda. Sekitar empat kilometer menyelusuri selatan danau Banyuning, Anda akan menemukan kepingan-kepingan kecil dan taman coral yang paling indah yang dapat Anda lihat dimanapun di di Lesser Sundas. Tapi harap berhati-hati, karena airnya cukup dalam di daerah ini, dan kadang terjadi gelombang besar sehingga tempat ini diperuntukan untuk orang orang yang berpengalaman.

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Mirin dalam Masakan jepang

Mirin (味醂, みりん?)adalah bumbu dapur untuk masakan Jepang atau japanese food berupa minuman beralkohol berwarna kuning, berasa manis, mengandung gula sebanyak 40%-50% dan alkohol sekitar 14%. Mirin digunakan pada masakan Jepang yang diolah dengan cara nimono (merebus dengan kecap asin dan dashi) dan campuran untuk berbagai macam saus, seperti saus untuk kabayaki (tare), saus untuk soba (soba-tsuyu), saus untuk tempura (tentsuyu) dan saus teriyaki.

Kandungan alkohol pada mirin dapat menghilangkan rasa amis pada ikan dan mengurangi risiko hancur bahan makanan yang dimasak. Kandungan gula pada mirin digunakan untuk menambah rasa manis bahan makanan yang dimasak, membuat mengkilat bahan makanan yang dimasak cara teriyaki dan menambah harum masakan.

Mirin diminum di Jepang sebagai campuran Shirozake yang diminum pada perayaan Hina Matsuri atau campuran sake yang diminum pada tradisi toso mendoakan keselamatan di hari pertama tahun baru. Di Jepang, mirin merupakan minuman keras sama halnya seperti bir atau wiski yang dikenakan pajak minuman keras dan pembuatannya juga memerlukan izin khusus. Sampai tahun 1996, mirin hanya bisa dibeli di toko yang mempunyai izin menjual minuman keras, tapi sekarang boleh dijual di mana saja dan penjual hanya memerlukan izin menjual mirin secara eceran.

Mirin-fū (みりん風?) adalah bumbu dapur dengan rasa seperti mirin, tapi biasanya mengandung alkohol di bawah 1 persen, dibuat dari cairan gula yang berasal dari beras (mizu ame) ditambah bumbu masak dari bahan kimia. Di Jepang, mirin-fū tidak dikenakan pajak minuman keras sehingga dapat dijual dengan harga murah. Hon-mirin (本みりん?) adalah sebutan yang sering dipakai untuk mirin asli, digunakan untuk membedakan mirin asli dengan mirin buatan.
sumber: wikipedia

Buaran Plaza

Buaran Plaza adalah sebuah pusat perbelanjaan yang terletak di area Buaran Square, berada di Jalan Radin Inten II, Jakarta Timur. Letak mall ini bersampingan dengan Buaran Theater atau Buaran 21 yang berada persis di depan area Buaran Square. Mal ini dibangun oleh Agung Sedayu Group. Anchor yang sudah bergabung antara lain Carrefour, Pojok Busana Department Store, dan beberapa toko makanan seperti BreadTalk, J.CO Donuts & Coffee, Solaria, Pizza Hut, dan KFC.

Pembangunan mal ini dimulai pada tahun 2006 dan direncanakan selesai pada tahun 2007, namun baru terealisasi pada tahun 2008, tepatnya pada Januari 2008. Awal Mei 2008, Buaran Plaza membuka Food Court Buaran Plaza.
Sumber: wikipedia

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Red mango
Nasi goreng

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

How to Make Money Online Without a Website (Part 11)

Step 3: Find a good affiliate merchant that targets your niche

In order to find a merchant that offers a relevant product and pays you a good commission, check out these affiliate networks and directories:


When you're choosing affiliate merchants, ask these questions:

  1. Do they offer a product that directly solves a problem you've identified?
  2. Do they allow direct linking to their sites? Some don't. Check the terms and conditions before you commit.
  3. Does the landing page generate pop-ups? If so, then forget it. This is not allowed. The back button on the page also has to be functional.
  4. Is there a strong landing page for the product? If you send click-throughs to an irrelevant page, a confusing sales process, or a site that's just plain unappealing, then they won't convert and you'll end up wasting your money.

Step 4: Write a PPC ad that drives buyers to the affiliate merchant's site

Take a good look at the landing page your ad is pointing at and make your ad directly relevant to it. Your ad must:

  • address the specific problem you've identified.
  • include the keyword you've bid on, preferably more than once.
  • reflect the keywords of the landing page.
  • highlight a benefit of the product.
  • include a strong call to action.

You can give your ad an extra boost by adding your keyword, or part of it, to the display URL at the bottom of the ad. The actual target URL will contain a big, ugly affiliate ID number, but the display version can show the domain name plus a subdirectory with a word or phrase that makes it look relevant to the search, like this:



Before you create your display link, check out the PPC competition to make sure it's unique so your ad won't be bumped. The better your ads, the higher the click-throughs will be, which means your ads will be rewarded with better positions for the same money. It's worth polishing them, and then testing them to see which ones are performing the best.

Running a pay-per-click affiliate campaign probably won't generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for you right off the bat--but it is the easiest way to leverage the keyword research and PPC skills you've developed in building your own site. And when Microsoft adCenter and Yahoo Search Marketing join forces sometime this year, you'll get the traffic from both, even if you only advertise on one. That makes direct linking even more appealing.

Employment, Careers, career

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How to Make Money Online Without a Website (Part 1)

A pay-per-click affiliate program is a great way to leverage the keyword skills you already have.

By Allen Moon

If you've got some successful keyword research and PPC advertising under your belt for your own website, why not capitalize on that and make money online without one? Affiliate marketing through pay-per-click makes it possible.

MSN adCenter and Yahoo Search Marketing both allow direct linking to sites that are not your own. (But don't try this with Google AdWords.)

Direct linking means that you can join affiliate programs, create ads for their products, and send click-throughs directly to the merchant's site. There's no need to build an intermediary site or use your own site to direct traffic. When your click-throughs convert, you get a commission.

It's a way to create an extra stream of income--or several--with some big advantages:

  • It eliminates the time, effort, and costs of building and maintaining web pages. The only time you'll have to pay is when someone clicks on your ad.
  • It allows you to do affiliate marketing without cluttering up your own site with links that might send potential customers away. You can keep your site clean and focused on its job of selling your product, but still make commissions off other people's products.
  • It eliminates an extra click for users. One click less for them means more commissions for you.

While direct linking is a good opportunity, though, it's not a walk in the park. The PPC programs that allow it restrict the number of affiliate ads that can point at the same display URL that shows on the ad itself. So ads by experienced affiliate marketers who know exactly what they're doing can bump less skillful ads.

If you want your ads to be seen, here's what you have to do.

Step 1: Start with a big, broad market
Choose a broad market where there's a lot of searching going on. You want to get as many eyeballs as possible.

Step 2: Do some keyword research
Don't build your ads on broad, untargeted keywords, though. The competition for those will be fierce--and expensive. Your objective here is to find neglected, low-cost keywords within a broad, high-traffic market--and that's why it really helps to have keyword research experience.

And as I mentioned in an earlier article, you need to look for specific problems that are shared by a lot of people within a market. Then find relevant keyword terms that clearly show a clear intention to buy or find out more information. Those terms are much more likely to convert. And remember, you pay for every click, but you get paid only when they convert.

The Microsoft Advertising Intelligence tool can show you almost anything you'd like to know about any given keyword, including similar keywords, traffic, cost per click, and much more. The free Google AdWords Keyword Tool is also a quick and handy way of getting ideas for keywords with high search volume and low cost per click; just keep in mind that you can't use this strategy with Google.

Employment, Careers, career

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Memodifikasi Mesin Motor Dengan Piston Jenong

Apa jadinya mesin tanpa piston? Hanya seonggok besi yang tak beda dibandingkan pot kembang atau tiang listrik. Enggak bisa dipakai membuat tunggangan melaju.Piston atau seher ini memang menjadi jantung dari mesin, sehingga boleh dibilang ini adalah perangkat utama dapur pacu.

Makanya tak heran bagian ini jadi pusat perhatian para tuner modifikasi motor. Banyak piston bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan performa, mulai dari piston standar yang kapasitasnya lebih gede, hingga piston aftermarket yang memang dirancang untuk performa tinggi.“Ada banyak piston di pasaran, mulai dari Izumi, LHK, Hispeed dan lainnya,” ungkap Marsell dari MC Racing di kawasan Kebon Jeruk IX, Jakbar. Piston-piston tadi ada yang disesuaikan dengan diameter standar ada pula yang memiliki diameter lebih besar, alias bore-up.

Begitu pun fasilitas yang ditawarkan produk-produk tersebut juga berbeda-beda. Ada yang menawarkan sekadar pistonnya saja ada pula yang menjual komplet set, berikut ring piston dan pen pistonnya.“Misalkan Hispeed, ada yang dijual komplet dengan ring dan pen piston, sementara Kitaco pistonnya saja,Jadi pilihan pun bermacam-macam soal kelengkapannya.

Begitu juga kontur pistonnya, ada yang hi dome alias jenong ada pula biasa saja kontur atas pistonnya. Diameter piston pun sama, beragam pula jenisnya. Yang ingin menggunakan diameter piston standar pun ada, meski sudah hi dome.

Nah, ketika sudah ingin mengaplikasi piston ini, tentu ada yang harus dilakukan dulu pada komponen-komponen penunjang lainnya. Seperti ketika pilihan pada piston jenong yang dijual tanpa ring dan pen piston, perlu biaya tambahan.ring piston rata-rata dijual dengan kisaran harga Rp 70 ribu, lantas pen piston Rp 30 ribu. kemudian kalau diameter piston diperbesar, tentunya perlu siapkan dana tambahan untuk korter sekitar Rp 25 ribu, begitu pun ketika harus mengganti boring, rata-rata dijual Rp 125 ribu.

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis

Olahraga Air Arum Jeram Yang Sangat Menyenangkan

Arum jeram dapat dikategorikan sebagai wisata olahraga air. Wisata olah raga ini merupakan salah satu cara yang sering dilakukan bagi sebagian orang yang menyukai tantangan sebagai suatu kegiatan wisata. Arum jeram selain memerlukan tenaga yang ekstra juga memerlukan keberanian. Pada umumnya medan yang digunakan adalah berarus deras dan berbatu.

Bagi Anda yang ingin melakukan wisata olahraga arum jeram dapat menuju ke tempat-tempat berikut :

* Sungai Serayu

Sungai Serayu merupakan salh satu sungai yang dapat dijadikan untuk wisata arung jeram. Sunagi ini terletak di Wonosobo Banjarnegara Jawa Tengah. Sungai ini mulai digunakan pada tanggal 8 Februari 2007. Panjang sungai ini kurang lebih 30 km.Disini terdapat banyak jeram sehingga akan lebih menantang.

* Sungai Cicatih

Sungai Cicatih cicatih terletak di Sukabumi Jawa Barat. Disini adabeberapa jenis arum jeram yang dibedakan sesuai dengan usia. Misalnya untuk anak yang berusia 12 tahun dapat memilih C1-jeram dengan jarak yang dapat ditempuh 12 km.

* Sungai Pekalen

Sunagai Pekalen terletak di Probolinggo Jawa Timur . Panjang sungai ini mencapi 29 km. Air sungaiinibersumber dari Gunung Lamongan dan Argopuro. Sepanjang pengarungan sungai ini Anda juga dapat menikmati pemandangan yang benar-benar indah karena memang penuh dengan nuansa pedesaan.

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Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Promosikan Usaha Anda di Iklan Gratis